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3 new additions within last seven days.
(0 in this category.)
CHRISTMAS 1052: Our third and final Christmas show for 2010 features a big stack of songs about what people do on Christmas Day, plus songs about reactions to holiday gifts, and that dreaded After Christmas Syndrome. The bonus tracks feature some of the earliest known Christmas records (some over a century old) and one more R-rated Christmas outrage. Dec 25, 2010
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(Added Dec 25, 2010)
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CHRISTMAS 1051: Here's part two of our Christmas party for 2010, with holiday trash and treasures old and new. For the bonus tracks I've gathered seven of the most vile and disgusting holiday songs around, uncensored of course! The rest of the show is appropriately Demented family entertainment. Dec 18, 2010
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(Added Dec 18, 2010)
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CHRISTMAS 1050: Here's the first of our three Christmas shows for 2010. It's a mad and merry mix of old favorites and 21st century carols, most of which weren't played in 2009. If you're flying home for the holidays you must hear this week's Demented News, the funniest bit yet about that T.S.A. business. Dec 11, 2010
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(Added Dec 11, 2010)
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HANUKKAH 1049: We cover lots of ground this week in this two-and-a-half hour show...the TSA kerfluffle (the intimate side of air travel), the new Harry Potter flick, hot new Christmas dementia, a salute to winter, and a full hour of Hanukkah hilarity (or Chanukah chilarity if you prefer!) Dec 4, 2010
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(Added Dec 4, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1048: Here's our Top Ten for November - the final Top Ten of 2010. Also on the subject menu are those intimate airport screenings, plus musical instruments, sciences, meat and television. The bonus tracks feature a couple of late 1950s novelty items plus the original "Tubby the Tuba." Nov 27, 2010
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(Added Nov 27, 2010)
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THANKSGIVING 1047: Here's our show for Thanksgiving 2010. We celebrate turkeys - the edible kind and the musical kind. Also on the menu are more songs about food, and a new song by the exceedingly eminent Mr. Stan Freberg and his wife Hunter. Some naughty words here and there ("Beer Nuts," "Have a Wonderful Hawaiian Christmas," "In Old Mexico," "Food!"). Nov 20, 2010
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(Added Nov 20, 2010)
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NONSENSE 1046: This week we have an hour of songs that make no sense at all. In most cases that's totally on purpose...they're nonsense songs, after all! (If you like these, there are lots more on our show dated October 11, 2009. This show has only a few duplications of that one). Our bonus track this week is the Crepitation (i. e. farting) Contest (announced as the "Trepidation Contest" on the recording). By request, we have here the "Glick" re-creation, produced by a small record label in Oak Park, IL, ca. 1970. This is the version Dr. Demento played (heavily edited) in the 1970s and afterward; it is uncensored here, of course. (For the Canadian original, in a new audio restoration, see our show dated Feb. 28, 2010). Note: occasional 4-letter words ("Swedish Western," "Psycho Chicken," and the Contest). Nov 13, 2010
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(Added Nov 13, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1045: Here's the Top Ten for October 2010, plus new stuff, trash 'n treasures from the Archives, and a bunch of requests. A bit of explicit language/adult content in the second hour. Nov 6, 2010
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(Added Nov 6, 2010)
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HALLOWEEN 1044: Here's Part Two of our Halloween celebration for 2010. Counting the bonus tracks, over 2 1/2 hours of spooky tunes and scary melodies, including a couple of Edgar Allan Poe favorites. One s-word, and a bit of edgy satire here and there. Oct 30, 2010
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(Added Oct 30, 2010)
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HALLOWEEN PART 1 1043: Here's the first of our two Halloween shows for 2010. Over two hours of spooky tunes and scary melodies! Lots of old favorites and some we haven't played before. Oct 23, 2010
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(Added Oct 23, 2010)
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HUNTING 1042: Our theme this week is hunting. A bloody, dangerous and controversial sport, and one that's inspired more funny songs than any other sport we can think of. Notes: 1) "The Preacher and the Bear," written in 1904, has racial references typical of that era (not the n-word). 2) The first two Bonus Tracks have lots of explicit language. Oct 16, 2010
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(Added Oct 16, 2010)
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40TH ANNIVERSARY 1041: Our 40th anniversary show features 35 of the show's greatest hits, complete and uninterrupted, with Dr Demento's stories about how the show began, grew, and evolved. Nearly 2 1/2 hours of great Demented entertainment! Oct 9, 2010
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(Added Oct 9, 2010)
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STAR TREK 1040: Here's the ultimate Dr. Demento Star Trek tribute - all our hilarious Star Trek spoofs, all together in one two-hour plus extravaganza! A few sexual references and bits of innuendo here and there. Oct 2, 2010
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(Added Oct 2, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1039: The Top Ten for September, plus more of the two excellent new CD's, by Mike Phirman (Hard & Phirm) and The Amoeba People, both full of highly inventive and original comedy music concepts...and the Dr D debut of the long-lost comedy CD by The State, MTV stars of the mid-1990s. Note: Lots of explicit language on the bonus tracks, and one nawty wurd on "Hey, Mr. Postman." Sep 25, 2010
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(Added Sep 25, 2010)
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CAR TUNES 1038: Got some car tunes for you this week! Longtime favorites along with many not heard for awhile. Also some terrific new stuff including Steve Goodie's salute to the would-be book burner of Gainesville, Florida, plus new CD's by Mike Phirman (of Hard & Phirm), The Amoeba People and more, plus a long-lost live tape of "Existential Blues" - and Whimsical Will's 30th Anniversary! Explicit language on the George Carlin track. Sep 18, 2010
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(Added Sep 18, 2010)
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RANDOM 1037: Random choice rules! All the songs this week (except the bonus tracks) were chosen at random from our library. There are some familiar favorites plus a bunch that haven't been on the show for years (or not at all). Parental guidance: the last bonus track is scatological. Sep 11, 2010
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(Added Sep 11, 2010)
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WORK 1036: For Labor Day weekend, a stack of songs about work. Work isn't always fun, but these songs are! Mostly a different batch from last year. Also some vintage bedbug songs (they're baaack!) and in the bonus tracks, the funniest song ever written about a famous author (explicit language). Sep 4, 2010
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(Added Sep 4, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1035: Here's the Top Ten for August 2010. Other highlights include a stack of laughing records, from Satchmo to Elvis, a couple of songs in lustful English by German retro-crooner Max Raabe, the original "Crazy Mixed Up Song" (aka Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends) and (in the bonus tracks) songs about the logistics of sex (parental guidance suggested). Aug 28, 2010
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(Added Aug 28, 2010)
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CATS 1034: What comes after the dog days of summer? The cat days of summer, of course. On this show we have a whole lot of cat songs, including many we didn't get to last year. Also - nostalgic bits by TV stars Larry Storch and Max Headroom, great new funny music by Johnny Walker, and the scourge of Autotune. Beware of durty wurds on Robin Williams' "Cats" and the last two bonus tracks. Aug 21, 2010
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(Added Aug 21, 2010)
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DOGS 1033: Our annual dog show, just in time for the Dog Days. Very different from last year's dog show, with only a few songs repeated. Also a tribute to Mitch Miller, who was a brilliant and highly successful record producer, and a superb classical musician, years before "Sing Along with Mitch." And, in the bonus tracks, Allan Sherman's very first record. Parental note: the s-word is heard in "Planet Dog" and in the Mitch Miller bonus track. Aug 14, 2010
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(Added Aug 14, 2010)
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LITTLE 1032: It's our biggest little show ever! Forty, count 'em, 40 songs about little tiny small things (and people). The bonus tracks include three new songs about Celebrities In the News. (One of the Mel Gibson songs has Mr. Gibson's original expletives, unbleeped). Aug 7, 2010
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(Added Aug 7, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1031: Here's the Top Ten for July 2010...along with the original "Boobs a Lot," "Serenade to a Maid" (with rude noises), and the extra-legendary Will Rogers. Bonus tracks include "Harry's Jockstrap" unbleeped, and some funny songs about sexually transmitted diseases (there are funny songs about virtually everything on Earth). Jul 31, 2010
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(Added Jul 31, 2010)
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NERDS & GEEKS 1030: Our topic today is Nerds and Geeks. Dr D explores the evolving meanings of these words and the growth of "nerd pride" with numerous hilarious musical examples. Also: a pair of riotous spoofs of metal music, and a couple topical items about LeBron James. In the bonus tracks: two very different renditions of "My Way" (a song that can get you killed in certain Philippine karaoke bars) and a song by the late Tuli Kupferberg, Beat artist and co-founder of The Fugs. (Parental guidance suggested for the bonus tracks). Jul 24, 2010
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(Added Jul 24, 2010)
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FANTASY FUNNY 25 1029: Here's another Fantasy Funny 25, chosen by Kevin Connelly of Orland Park, IL. Lots of old favorites plus some we haven't heard often. The countdown begins with "Re: Your Brains" at number 25. NOTE: "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television" and "Clinton Got a Blowjob" are the original, uncensored versions. Same goes for the online bonus tracks - not safe for work! Jul 17, 2010
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(Added Jul 17, 2010)
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OCEAN/BEACH 1028: Our topic this week is the ocean...and the beach. Rarities include the complete two-part version of "A Day At The Beach" by Cheech & Chong (one part has never been reissued). There's also a fiddle tune by the late Sen. Robert Byrd (not bad, actually), the theme from Sandy Becker's legendary New York City kiddie TV show, and accordion-wielding 60s' comic Pete Barbutti. The bonus segment features the complete and uncensored "Legend of the U.S.S. Titanic" by Jaime Brockett (one s-word and considerable political incorrectness) and a recording made in 1897. Jul 10, 2010
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(Added Jul 10, 2010)
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ALL-AMERICAN 1027: Our annual All-American show for Independence Day. Songs about religion, politics, farm life, baseball, beer, sex, guns and cowboys. Rarities include the original flip side of Thorndike Pickledish's "Walter Wart," withdrawn in 1966 as too controversial. Parental note: the Willie Nelson song has one unbleeped f-word; lots of explicit content in the bonus tracks. Jul 3, 2010
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(Added Jul 3, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1026: The Top Ten for June is upon us! We also check out Ray Stevens' new CD (kind of a new direction for him, lyrically speaking), hear songs inspired by the 1933, 1976 and 2005 "King Kong" films, and say goodbye to Jimmy Dean. Bonus tracks (rated PG-13 this week) include England's Lily Allen and Chicago's Duck Logic. Jun 26, 2010
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(Added Jun 26, 2010)
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FATHER'S DAY/SUMMER 1025: This week's show features two Demented celebrations - Father's Day and the coming of summer. Lots of items that haven't been on the show for years. Also - three new songs about the oil spill, and farewells to Stuart Paul and to Robert O. Smith, voice actor extraordinaire for cartoons and games, and creator of "Walter Wart, the Freaky Frog." Rare items by both artists are featured in the bonus tracks. Jun 19, 2010
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(Added Jun 19, 2010)
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LITTLE 1024: Last week we had songs with "big" in the title - this week it's "little" songs (and short, small and tiny ones too). There are even more of those than there are big songs, and here are about half of the most demented ones in the Demento Archives (we'll spin the rest in July). Bonus tracks include one of the best selling "kiddie" records of the 1940s - the original "Little Toot" featuring Jack Benny's announcer Don Wilson. Bonus tracks are safe for work except for the very last one. Jun 12, 2010
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(Added Jun 12, 2010)
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BIG 1023: It's a BIG Dr. Demento Show this week, featuring Big Balls, Big Butts, the Big Cockroach and even Big Bad Brucie-Wucie! Also new music from Roy Zimmerman, a Tiny Tim rarity, and the Key of Awesome's hilarious sendup of Owl City. The bonus tracks have more BIG songs, including two alternate versions of "Big Bruce." (Bonus tracks rated PG-13 this week). Jun 5, 2010
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(Added Jun 5, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1022: Here's the Top Ten for May 2010. New songs include Robert Lund & Spaff's Beatles parody about the George Rekers scandal, Nuclear Bubble Wrap's Pokemon double-entendre, and Thin Ice's funny-sweet chronicle of vinyl vs. mp3. The bonus tracks have more new stuff, with four-letter words and other indiscretions - parental discretion advised! May 29, 2010
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(Added May 29, 2010)
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D-POD SHUFFLE 1021: The D-Pod Shuffle strikes again! Once again the entire show (except for the Demented News) was picked at random from our library. Here are hilarious hits and magnificent misses from all the years of Dementia. The bonus tracks have more of the same, including a few tracks heard only once before in the earliest years of the show, and, as a "bonus bonus," two remarkable cover versions of "Cigareets, Whuskey and Wild, Wild Women." May 23, 2010
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(Added May 24, 2010)
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GOLDEN ERA OF NOVELTY SONGS 1020: This show celebrates the Golden Era of Novelty Hit Singles...the years from 1956 to 1966, when more than 200 novelty singles hit the Top 100, and were often heard on Top 40 radio stations (all day long, not just in the morning!) Along with all-time hits we have some very unusual and interesting items that have never been on the show before. The bonus tracks include more Golden Era novelty hits, some of which are politically incorrect by today's standards. May 16, 2010
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(Added May 17, 2010)
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MOTHER'S DAY 1019: Here's our Mother's Day show for 2010, with a mix of perennials along with some we haven't heard for awhile. The station where the Dr. D show began always played music by Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention on Mother's Day, and we're glad to continue the tradition with Frank's early masterpiece "Brown Shoes Don't Make It" plus some of Frank's more outrageous satires for the bonus tracks. (Parental discretion encouraged -- lots of rough language and a couple of songs Frank may well have devised especially to create controversy!) To top off the show we have the premiere of Whimsical Will's latest annual Summer Movie Adventure. May 9, 2010
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(Added May 10, 2010)
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HAPPY 1018: We have a very "happy" show for you this time...featuring a big stack of songs with the word "happy" in the title or prominent in the lyrics. While some are all about being happy, and nothing else, others are full of darkly ironic humor. The bonus tracks include three finalists in the most recent International Songwriting Competition (for which Weird Al and I were among the judges) plus new songs by Strapped (you may remember their underground hit " (Whip Me Beat Me Call Me) Edna". PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED for the bonus tracks - lots of words you can't say on the radio. May 2, 2010
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(Added May 3, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1017: Here's the Top Ten for April 2010. Also notable: one of Spike Jones' rarest recordings, a 1932 song about the Great Depression (with political implications), a tribute to Malcolm McLaren, and a souvenir EP of the 1981 Roxy Theatre show that first made Pee Wee Herman famous, heard in its entirety on the bonus tracks. Apr 25, 2010
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(Added Apr 26, 2010)
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EARTH DAY 1016: We celebrate Earth Day with a wide variety of funny stuff related to the environment in one way or another. The Australian comedy-music trio Tripod has two songs here, including one from their new concept album about Dungeons & Dragons. Notable rarities in this show: "The Trouble with Klingons," "Video Games," "Smog," "The Ballad of Woodsy Owl," "Dick Tracy Rides Again." Apr 18, 2010
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(Added Apr 19, 2010)
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TOM LEHRER 1015: We celebrate the release (April 13, 2010) of "The Tom Lehrer Collection," a CD-DVD double disc set. The DVD contains the only known extended footage of Lehrer in concert, in Oslo in 1967. This show also includes such hard-to-find faves as "The Raccoon Song," "Roast Chicken Faces" and "There's A Hole In The Iron Curtain" plus a recent track by Joe "Shaddup You Face" Dolce. The bonus tracks feature a half dozen of our most requested R- and X-rated items, uncensored - parental guidance suggested. Apr 11, 2010
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(Added Apr 12, 2010)
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EASTER/BASEBALL 1014: Two big days this weekend: Easter Sunday, and the opening of baseball season. (In some cities both events take place on the same day). Baseballs and bunny rabbits run wild on this week's show, and for the bonus tracks the Doctor digs deeper into his ample stash of baseball-related musical oddities. We also salute the late Fess Parker, with his own version of "The Ballad of Davy Crockett" plus two of the many parodies that song inspired. And...anyone who goes to fan conventions (cons) must, must hear "Going Home" by Kirby Krackle. Apr 4, 2010
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(Added Apr 5, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1013: Here's the Top Ten for March 2010. Rarities this week include Beatrice Kay's pioneering ode to insanity, "Hooray, Hooray, I'm Going Away" (with the man in the little white coat), and Arbogast & Ross with their 1958 spoof on Top 40 radio. The bonus tracks include several 1930's songs relating to marijuana, plus "Cocktails for Two" before Spike Jones got hold of it. Mar 28, 2010
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(Added Mar 29, 2010)
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FANTASY FUNNY 25 1012: Once again we present a Fantasy Funny 25 chosen by a listener. This time it's Blair Freeman of Joliet, IL. Blair, a listener for over twenty years, has picked some excellent oddities and rarities along with much-loved comedy classics. (Note: the first four items are not part of the countdown, and "Double Yodel" is an "extra"). The bonus tracks are selected from a talk Dr. Demento presented in February at the Southern Folklife Library located at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Mar 21, 2010
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(Added Mar 22, 2010)
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ST. PATRICK'S DAY 1011: We salute St. Patrick's Day. It may well be, as songwriter Marc Gunn claims, that St. Patrick never drank (Guinness hadn't been invented yet), but many a hearty song has been raised in his memory, and some of them are very funny! Also notable: the Dr D Show debut of the comedy supergroup Cirque du SoWhat (each of whose four members has previously had a #1 song of the year on the show), a comedy sketch about the U.S. census recorded in 1930, and what is arguably one of the worst records ever made, ever, "The Air Battle." Bonus tracks include the extended version of "Star Trekkin'" and a Cirque du SoWhat track with very explicit language (uncensored on the actual show - parental discretion advised). Mar 14, 2010
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(Added Mar 15, 2010)
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D-POD SHUFFLE 1010: By popular demand, the "D-Pod Shuffle" rides again. In other words, the songs on this show are chosen at random from the vastness of the Demento Archives. Along with familiar items we have songs that haven't been heard in ten, twenty years or more, and a lot you won't find anywhere else, even online. The bonus tracks have more of the same but even stranger, including "Clothes of the Dead" (by a one-off group featuring Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller), Paul McCartney's kid brother "Mike McGear"(singing a song co-written by Paul), and a pair of especially wondrous vaudeville bits from 1916 by Mr. Robert J. Wildhack. Mar 7, 2010
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(Added Mar 8, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1009: The Top Ten for February a bunch of hot new stuff, a little venture into 1960s psychedelia, our two most popular "My Sharona" parodies (R.I.P. Doug Fieger) and three songs (not all together) featuring "false bass" voices. The bonus segment has something special: the original, uncensored Canadian recording of the "Crepitation (farting) Contest," in a newly received copy with much better sound quality than any others we have heard. Feb 28, 2010
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(Added Mar 1, 2010)
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MEN 1008: Here's a Dr. Demento salute to all the men in the world. (Women are saluted on our Feb. 6-7 show). Other notable tracks include one of the more sought-after kids' records of the 78 rpm era, "By Rocket To The Moon". More songs about men plus half a dozen Rarities By Request are among the bonus tracks this week. Feb 21, 2010
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(Added Feb 22, 2010)
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SILLY LOVE SONGS 1007: For Valentine's Day, here are some Silly Love Songs. Along with perennial favorites, there are lots of things not played in awhile. Before we get into the love songs, enjoy some new novelty songs by 94-year-old Irving Fields, and an alternate take of "The Colo-Rectal Surgeon's Song" with some lines not heard in the usual version. The bonus tracks include a rare and very funny Yogi Yorgesson item, and a mashup of the 25 top pop singles of the year, condensed into four and a half minutes. Feb 14, 2010
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(Added Feb 15, 2010)
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WOMEN 1006: This week we salute womankind. All kinds of demented songs about all kinds of women. Some are "enlightened," some not so enlightened. (Two weeks from now we'll focus on the other half of the human race). Feb 7, 2010
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(Added Feb 8, 2010)
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TOP TEN 1005: Here's our first Top Ten countdown of 2010. Lots of requests this week as well, along with some very colorful debuts such as "The Ballad of Dildo the Clown." Also note the three potato songs in the first hour. More rarities by request in the bonus tracks. Jan 31, 2010
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(Added Feb 1, 2010)
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PRODUCE 1004: Our topic this week is produce - vegetables, fruits and nuts. Things that are good to eat, and all their hidden meanings! We also have two tracks from the new CD by The Frantics (of "Boot to the Head" fame). One of them leads off our bonus tracks segment, which also includes more rare items from the produce department. Jan 24, 2010
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(Added Jan 25, 2010)
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FANTASY FUNNY 25 1003: Here's another Fantasy Funny 25. Our winning list this time was submitted by William McLeese of Falls Church, VA, a listener since the 1970s. (We'll do this again in March. Get your list in now! The Doctor will pick the most entertaining collection of songs for broadcast at that time). For the bonus tracks this week, the Doctor picked some favorites from his large collection of pre-WWII "party records." Included is one of the only two recordings ever made by Bert Savoy, a famous female impersonator of the 1920s. Parental guidance advised! Jan 17, 2010
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(Added Jan 18, 2010)
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I WANT 1002: This week we feature songs with "I Want" in the title, along with their close cousins, the "Gimme" songs. While there are some things almost all of us, water, shelter, world peace...other people's desires are downright peculiar...and many of them are chronicled in these songs, which get so greedy they almost take over the whole show! Still more of these in the bonus tracks, plus a rare novelty single by the late Arnold Stang. Jan 10, 2010
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(Added Jan 11, 2010)
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AVIATION 1001: In honor of the aeronautical motif of our new Demento Society membership kit, our theme this week is aviation. Lots of funny songs about flying, then and now, in big planes and little ones. The bonus tracks have more of the same, with lots of rarities. Jan 3, 2010
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(Added Jan 4, 2010)
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